上海普陀品尊国际售楼处电话:400-8828-814【营销中心】(来电尊享优惠活动)如有问题欢迎来电咨询,专业一对一热情服务,让您用专业眼光去买房。上海普陀品尊国际售楼处电话:400-8828-814【营销中心】楼盘项目全面介绍,本电话为开发商提供线上售楼电话,楼盘项目全面介绍(包含楼盘简介,房价,价格,楼盘地址,户型图,交通规划,备案价,项目配套,楼盘详情,售楼处电话,售楼处地址,最新消息,最新详情,周边配套,最新进展等详情咨询)品尊国际售楼处电话:400-8828-814【售楼处电话】品尊国际15年收官之作,仅剩少量房源在售!千万级买内中环高端豪宅的机会,就剩TA,千万抓紧!千万级买进内中环的最后机会品尊国际15年收官房源火热在售中目前仅剩少量房源抓紧机会!LEED WELL双铂金预认证的高端豪宅15年匠心沉淀看得见的国际社区品质、区位优势、产品能级2023年更具安全感的置业选择品尊国际售楼处电话:400-8828-814【售楼处电话】不止内中环,更是TOD千万级新房地段价值的塔尖位于内中环间,距离内环高架直线约1.3km。并且是内中环间珍稀的TOD地铁上盖新房,咫尺7号线岚皋路站。品尊国际售楼处电话:400-8828-814【售楼处电话】从7号线岚皋路站出发,2站长寿路、3站环球港、4站静安寺、5站南京西路、6站人民广场、7站徐家汇,再远一点还有徐汇滨江、浦东等城市CBD。Pinzun International Sales Office Telephone: 400-8828-814 [Sales Office Telephone] Departs from Langao Road Station of Line 7, 2 stops Changshou Road, 3 stops Global Harbor, 4 stops Jing’an Temple, 5 stops Nanjing West Road, 6 Station People's Square, Station 7 Xujiahui, and a little further away are Xuhui Riverside, Pudong and other city CBDs.当然,品尊国际的地段价值不仅仅体现在交通上,更是一种国际化的潮流生活方式:TOD。品尊国际售楼处电话:400-8828-814【售楼处电话】与普通住宅项目相比,TOD就像是一个“微缩城市”,多维交通实现高效率通勤,步行范围内就能拥有吃喝玩乐购一站式服务,这种接轨国际的时尚潮流便捷生活,谁不向往?Pinzun International Sales Office Telephone: 400-8828-814 [Sales Office Telephone] Compared with ordinary residential projects, TOD is like a "miniature city". Multi-dimensional transportation enables efficient commuting, and you can have food and drink within walking distance. Who doesn’t yearn for Tesco’s one-stop service, this kind of international fashion trend and convenient life?但问题是,在房企处境艰难的市场下:一个体量庞大、集商业住宅办公于一体的TOD是否能顺利交付?交付后商业的招商是否顺利、引入的商业能级如何、商业是否持续稳定的运营?办公楼能否引入高新产业?这些都是不确定的因素。品尊国际售楼处电话:400-8828-814【售楼处电话】但这些问题对于品尊国际却都不是问题,因为项目是一个已经建成、并且平稳运营多年的城市TOD,即使是经历了疫情,这里的商业氛围依旧浓郁。Pinzun International Sales Office Telephone: 400-8828-814 [Sales Office Telephone] But these problems are not a problem for Pinzun International, because the project is an urban TOD that has been built and has been operating smoothly for many years, even after experiencing Despite the epidemic, the business atmosphere here is still strong.这座约70万方的城市综合体,是上海更具安全感和实力的TOD。品尊国际售楼处电话:400-8828-814【售楼处电话】品尊国际售楼处电话:400-8828-814【售楼处电话】周边汇集明捷万丽酒店,MODENA酒店式公寓、5A写字楼、和美广场盒马鲜生、咖啡风尚街、潮流美食街、一兆韦德ONET系列最高等级健身会所(恒温泳池、室内篮球、羽毛球综合馆、壁球馆、瑜伽馆等多项功能)。Pinzun International Sales Office Telephone: 400-8828-814 [Sales Office Telephone] Pinzun International Sales Office Telephone: 400-8828-814 [Sales Office Telephone] Surrounded by Renaissance Mingjie Hotel and MODENA Serviced Apartments , 5A office building, Hemei Plaza, Hema Fresh Food Street, fashionable coffee street, trendy food street, and the highest-level fitness club of the OneTwo Wade ONET series (with multiple functions such as constant-temperature swimming pool, indoor basketball, badminton complex, squash hall, yoga hall, etc.).对于业主而言,下楼就能纵享商业和轨交。品尊国际售楼处电话:400-8828-814【售楼处电话】展开版图,在真如附近有约100万方真如境、高尚领域综合体、中骏综合体、光明壹街区、普陀绿地缤纷城、星光耀广场等高能级商业。品尊国际售楼处电话:400-8828-814【售楼处电话】这里,是与徐家汇同样城市地位的上海四大城市副中心。而品尊国际是如今整个真如城市副中心内目前仅有的TOD新房,代表着更高阶的生活方式。Pinzun International Sales Office Telephone: 400-8828-814 [Sales Office Telephone] Expand the map, there are about 1 million square meters of Zhenrujing, Gaoshang Domain Complex, Zhongjun Complex, Guangming One Street, and Putuo Greenbelt near Zhenru City, Xingguangyao Plaza and other high-energy businesses.Pinzun International Sales Office Telephone: 400-8828-814 [Sales Office Telephone] Here is the sub-center of Shanghai's four major cities with the same urban status as Xujiahui.Pinzun International is currently the only TOD new house in the entire Zhenru City sub-center, representing a higher-end lifestyle.这是千万级预算能买到的、更高的地段价值!15年匠心沉淀,看得见的高水准三期超越之作,LEED WELL双铂金预认证2023年买房,相比销售天花乱坠的说辞,其实大家更关注的还是项目能否顺利交付、交付的品质是否如预期一样。但我们对品尊国际,却充满信任。原因有两点:第一,15年砥砺前行、15年铸就经典,集25年开发经验精雕细琢的收官之作,让人放心。品尊国际一共分三期开发,至今已经整整15年。品尊国际售楼处电话:400-8828-814【售楼处电话】在高周转如此严重的现在,还有哪家房企愿意真正沉下心来做项目、花几年的时间磨砺产品,唯有品尊国际,这才是更令人安心的责任感和匠心。Pinzun International Sales Office Telephone: 400-8828-814 [Sales Office Telephone] Now that the high turnover is so serious, which real estate company is willing to really concentrate on projects and spend several years honing its products? With Pinzun International, this is a more reassuring sense of responsibility and ingenuity.上海普陀品尊国际售楼处电话:400-8828-814【营销中心】并且项目14年前开发的一期,不管是园林、立面、泳池等等,其开发理念即使放到现在豪宅市场来看,也一点不弱,更何况是14年前。Shanghai Putuo Pinzun International Sales Office Tel: 400-8828-814 [Marketing Center] And the first phase of the project was developed 14 years ago. Whether it is gardens, facades, swimming pools, etc., its development concept even if it is put into the current luxury market Look, it’s not weak at all, let alone 14 years ago.上海普陀品尊国际售楼处电话:400-8828-814【营销中心】这样超前的开发理念、匠心的交付力以及出色的后期维护能力,给了品尊国际更大的产品力保障和期待。Shanghai Putuo Pinzun International Sales Office Tel: 400-8828-814 [Marketing Center] Such advanced development concepts, ingenious delivery capabilities and excellent post-maintenance capabilities have given Pinzun International greater product strength guarantee and expectations.品尊国际售楼处电话:400-8828-814【售楼处电话】第二,LEED WELL双铂金预认证,全国首个!为什么是预认证?因为真正的认证需要等到交房后。也就是说,品尊国际最后的交付需要严格遵守LEED WELL铂金级的要求。要知道,从洛杉矶总部到纽约首个WELL认证的公园大道425号,WELL已成为全球豪宅健康建筑的标尺。品尊国际售楼处电话:400-8828-814【售楼处电话】在空气、水、营养、光线、运动、热舒适等多个要素10大体系、112余项监测标准,将健康无缝嵌入到住区中,润物细无声,可持续的提升居者健康和幸福。Pinzun International Sales Office Telephone: 400-8828-814 [Sales Office Telephone] In 10 major systems and more than 112 monitoring standards for air, water, nutrition, light, exercise, thermal comfort and other factors, health is seamlessly integrated Embedded into residential areas, it moisturizes things silently and sustainably improves the health and happiness of residents.所以为什么即使是大几千万的豪宅,也鲜有项目能取得LEED WELL双铂金预认证。一方面是标准的严苛,而另外一方面也体现了品尊国际对于交付品质的自信。所以,如今千万级预算更具安全感的新房,无疑就是品尊国际。完全人车分流+约43%绿化率上海人居产品力更高处的豪宅上海普陀品尊国际售楼处电话:400-8828-814【营销中心】社区方面,小区整体抬高通过回填土让整个小区完全人车分流,既保证业主的私密性同时也提升了小区安全性。Shanghai Putuo Pinzun International Sales Office Telephone: 400-8828-814 [Marketing Center] In terms of community, the entire community is raised and backfilled to completely divert people and vehicles, which not only ensures the privacy of the owners but also improves the security of the community. .上海普陀品尊国际售楼处电话:400-8828-814【营销中心】其次,外立面采用英国TOPIN 的槽式埋件+铝合金龙骨系统,铝合金经过氧化处理后,不会发生生锈和脱色,历久弥新。Shanghai Putuo Pinzun International Sales Office Tel: 400-8828-814 [Marketing Center] Secondly, the exterior facade adopts the British TOPIN's trough-type embedded parts + aluminum alloy keel system. After the aluminum alloy has been oxidized, it will not rust. And discoloration, lasting.还有完全人车分流且绿化覆盖率达到了43%的社区绿化。上海普陀品尊国际售楼处电话:400-8828-814【营销中心】而现在市场上,几乎所有小区的绿化率都只有35%。更高的绿化率,代表着更舒适的生活环境。Shanghai Putuo Pinzun International Sales Office Tel: 400-8828-814 [Marketing Center] In the current market, the greening rate of almost all residential areas is only 35%.A higher greening rate represents a more comfortable living environment.上海普陀品尊国际售楼处电话:400-8828-814【营销中心】小区内部还有约3600㎡的中心景观、约800米的跑道,在寸土寸金的上海内环旁,这样的宽绰社区,实在是奢侈且惊艳。Shanghai Putuo Pinzun International Sales Office Tel: 400-8828-814 [Marketing Center] The community also has a central landscape of about 3,600 square meters and a runway of about 800 meters. Next to the inner ring road of Shanghai where land is at a premium, such a generous community , it is really luxurious and stunning.品尊国际售楼处电话:400-8828-814【售楼处电话】走进楼栋内,这约6米左右层高的门厅挑高大堂,墙面全部采用定制弧面铝板,大理石拼花地面与整体大理石幕墙纵贯天地。Pinzun International Sales Office Telephone: 400-8828-814 [Sales Office Telephone] Walking into the building, you will find a high-ceilinged lobby with a height of about 6 meters. The walls are all made of customized curved aluminum plates and marble parquet floors. It runs through the sky and the earth with the overall marble curtain wall.上海普陀品尊国际售楼处电话:400-8828-814【营销中心】这样的尊贵感才是品质豪宅的标配。但现在市面上很多所谓的豪宅,连大堂都没有,更何况是如此用料的精装大堂。Shanghai Putuo Pinzun International Sales Office Tel: 400-8828-814 [Marketing Center] Such a sense of nobility is the standard feature of quality luxury homes.But many so-called luxury homes on the market now don’t even have a lobby, let alone a lobby decorated with such materials.172套建面约102-140㎡如此豪华的装修、错过恐再难见到最后,是产品。项目的收官加推172套建面约102-140㎡2-4房。先来看户型图以及样板间视频:首先,尺度感:品尊国际的户型层高约在3.08-3.42米。品尊国际售楼处电话:400-8828-814【售楼处电话】即使铺上地暖和中央空调,品尊国际整体的室内层高也远比大部分豪宅更高。而更高的层高意味着更宽绰的居住体验、更通透的视野。Pinzun International Sales Office Telephone: 400-8828-814 [Sales Office Telephone] Even with floor heating and central air conditioning, the overall indoor floor height of Pinzun International is far higher than that of most luxury homes.A higher floor height means a more spacious living experience and a more transparent view.要知道,装修不满意你大可敲掉重来,但层高变不了。另外,定制的房门,色调统一,整体感更强,更加简洁美观大气十足。其次,室内无疑就是一场关于大牌盛宴:品尊国际售楼处电话:400-8828-814【售楼处电话】大金的新风系统、中央空调及地暖,德国品牌旭格大开面门窗,滨特尔的前置过滤系统和末端直饮系统,瑞士吉博力,Miele的蒸炉、微烤一体机等7件套,品尊国际几乎把所有角落都“贴上了金”。Pinzun International Sales Office Telephone: 400-8828-814 [Sales Office Telephone] Daikin’s fresh air system, central air conditioning and floor heating, German brand Schüco large-opening doors and windows, Pentair’s pre-filtration system and terminal direct Drinking system, Swiss Geberit, Miele steam oven, micro-baking all-in-one 7-piece set, Pinzun International has "pasted gold" in almost every corner.当然,有人说“大牌精装”的水分是很高的。比如同为大金空调,但系列不同价格也是天差地别。所以我们也特意咨询了一下,结论就是:品尊国际的精装不仅仅是大牌,还是如今市面上各大高端品牌的更高端系列!品尊国际售楼处电话:400-8828-814【售楼处电话】全屋新风系统高效滤网对于PM2.5去除率最高可达约99.5%,对灰尘及其他过敏源同样有效;同时配置多功能探测器,实时监测室内温湿度、PM2.5、PM10、二氧化碳及一氧化碳浓度,在可视对讲屏及手机APP上显示具体数值;So we also consulted specifically, and the conclusion is: Pinzun International's fine decoration is not only a big brand, but also a higher-end series of major high-end brands on the market today!Pinzun International Sales Office Telephone: 400-8828-814 [Sales Office Telephone] The high-efficiency filter of the whole house fresh air system can remove up to about 99.5% of PM2.5, and is also effective against dust and other allergens; it is also equipped Multifunctional detector that monitors indoor temperature and humidity, PM2.5, PM10, carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide concentrations in real time, and displays specific values on the video intercom screen and mobile APP;热系统采用大金品牌三管制空气源两联供空调,三管制温室平衡机;地暖系统采用空气源热能系统(VRVU);品尊国际售楼处电话:400-8828-814【售楼处电话】德国品牌旭格大开面门窗:严选75、80高端系列;这个系列有一个非常高科技的功能:当卧室的二氧化碳超标,或者是打开厨房油烟机时,窗户会自动打开。而当二氧化碳浓度达标或关闭油烟机时,窗户又会自动关闭。The heating system adopts Daikin brand three-pipe air source dual-supply air conditioner and a three-pipe greenhouse balancing machine; the floor heating system adopts an air source thermal energy system (VRVU); Pinzun International Sales Office Telephone: 400-8828-814 [Sales Office Telephone 】German brand Schüco large-opening doors and windows: carefully selected 75 and 80 high-end series; this series has a very high-tech function: when the carbon dioxide in the bedroom exceeds the standard, or the kitchen range hood is turned on, the window will automatically open.When the carbon dioxide concentration reaches the standard or the range hood is turned off, the window will automatically close.采用吉博力薄膜专利技术, 减少渗漏回灌的概率,彻底解决卫生间的气味及污水反流;品尊国际售楼处电话:400-8828-814【售楼处电话】以上,这大手笔的匠心,就足以让品尊国际成为这个时代下,更具标杆性的豪宅著作。但品尊国际整整15年的沉淀,远远不只有这些大开大合的大牌。这是一个真正主旨为升华生活舒适度、进阶生活幸福感的项目,不只是需要大牌精装,还有那些温柔到骨子里的细节。比如这个E0级板材:这是美国WELL空气系统标准中,环保等级最高的绿色建材,以低挥发性,保障室内空气质量。而项目从公共区域到室内每一块基层板都采用低挥发性E0级基层板材。Pinzun International Sales Office Telephone: 400-8828-814 [Sales Office Telephone] The above, this generous ingenuity is enough to make Pinzun International a more benchmark luxury property book in this era.But Pinzun International’s 15 years of accumulation is far more than just these big names that have opened and closed.This is a project whose real purpose is to sublimate the comfort of life and advance the happiness of life. It not only requires big-name fine decoration, but also details that are gentle to the bones.For example, this E0 grade board: This is the green building material with the highest environmental protection rating in the U.S. WELL air system standard. It ensures indoor air quality with low volatility.Every base board in the project from the public area to the interior is made of low-volatile E0 grade base board.品尊国际售楼处电话:400-8828-814【售楼处电话】这种到骨子里的细节,才是项目能够取得中国绿色建筑三星级标准、国际LEED及WELL铂金3个认证体系的原因。又比如主卧以及公共走道区域的圆弧转角:特别设计柜体圆弧转角,在进出卧室时,减少磕碰的风险,是有孩子和老人的家庭非常需要的全龄友好型设计。其实不仅仅是主卧内,品尊国际三期所有的公共走道区域也都采用的是这个圆弧转角设计,体现人文关怀。Pinzun International Sales Office Telephone: 400-8828-814 [Sales Office Telephone] Such down-to-earth details are the reason why the project has obtained the three certification systems of China’s Green Building Three-Star Standard, International LEED and WELL Platinum. .Another example is the arc corners in the master bedroom and public walkway areas: The arc corners of the cabinets are specially designed to reduce the risk of collision when entering and exiting the bedroom. It is an age-friendly design that is highly needed by families with children and the elderly.In fact, not only the master bedroom, but also all the public walkway areas of Pinzun International Phase 3 adopt this arc corner design, reflecting humanistic care.另外,公共区域的圆弧包角采用的是龙骨加铝合金板,全覆盖皮革,细节彰显品质。品尊国际售楼处电话:400-8828-814【售楼处电话】品尊国际售楼处电话:400-8828-814【售楼处电话】还有这个罗格朗开关,国际一线品牌的开关,功能强大,集灯光、窗帘、空调、窗、新风、地暖等功能于一体,这个开关对于生活的便捷度,只有真正体会过才能了解:Pinzun International Sales Office Telephone: 400-8828-814 [Sales Office Telephone] Pinzun International Sales Office Telephone: 400-8828-814 [Sales Office Telephone] There is also this Legrand switch, an international first-line brand The switch has powerful functions, integrating lighting, curtains, air conditioning, windows, fresh air, floor heating and other functions. Only by truly experiencing it can you understand how convenient this switch brings to life:品尊国际售楼处电话:400-8828-814【售楼处电话】可以看到,品尊国际从选材、到对人居细节的思考、到整体装修风格,都代表着上海的更高水平。这是一个能够凭借精装,就成为如今上海豪宅标杆的项目。品尊国际售楼处电话:400-8828-814【售楼处电话】不管您对品尊国际是否感兴趣,我都推荐您去看一看这个项目,为自己树立一个标杆,未来看项目时也好有一个过硬的评判标准。品尊国际售楼处电话:400-8828-814【售楼处电话】项目收官之后,未来还能不能再出现这样一个拥有足够开发能力和眼光、出色后期交付、运营实力、以及产品力的项目真的很难说。项目最后172套收官房源,真的要珍惜。品尊国际15年收官之作,仅剩少量房源在售!千万级买内中环高端豪宅的机会,就剩TA,千万抓紧!上海普陀品尊国际售楼处电话:400-8828-814【营销中心】(来电尊享优惠活动